Manager & Experts


KUNST Personalberatung supports applicants transparently and sustainably throughout all phases of the decision-making process. By this we mean an open exchange with you right from our first contact. Furthermore, we offer seamless support throughout your entire application process, which extends beyond your probationary period.

Open. Transparent. Value-oriented.

Communication at eye level.

KUNST personnel consulting supports companies in the recruitment of IT managers, IT experts and sales managers. Our expertise lies in consulting as well as direct and executive search. This means: We identify, select, inspire and procure the best possible candidates for your IT and sales positions. With our offer in the field of Sales Strategy Consulting and Sales Coaching, we round off the range of services.

We guarantee you 100% confidentiality. Always.

We guarantee you 100% confidentiality. Always.

Important: All your data and information will be used exclusively KUNST internally. Only selected employees of KUNST have access to the Circle of Excellence. The Circle of Excellence will never have any connection outside KUNST.

We listen. We understand. We advise.

We advise applicants independently.

Many executives and specialists have to make decisions about their careers during their professional progression.At the beginning of a professional career, it is useful to conduct an individual career plan. As a manager, it is important to determine the current state of the career path from time to time. We will advise you practically and individually to your specific professional situation.

Find out now about the advantages of the CoE by KUNST!

Circle of Excellence by KUNST

As a member of the CoE, you will benefit from the comprehensive range of services offered by KUNST Personalberatung. Due to our many years of experience both in the IT industry and in recruitment consulting, we know the complex and specific requirements of a wide variety of positions down to the last detail. In a nutshell: We know what we are doing. And we know what is compatible.
